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An Entertaining Approach To Successful Decision-Making"



"Paper or plastic?"… "What should we do for dinner?" "I don’t care, what do you want to do?"…  "Can I make this traffic-light before it turns red?"… "Would you like fries with that?"... "Do you take this person to be your lawfully wedded spouse, for better or worse, until death do you part?"… "I should really quit these cigarettes."… "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"… “For $250,000, is that your final answer?”

 If you really stop and think about it, the days that make-up our lives are filled with a continuous series of decisions… from mundane, insignificant choices, such as choosing the right shoes to go with your outfit… to monumental judgments regarding your behavior, your values, your finances, your lifestyle, your family and your future.

 So, if you were able to make better, more consistent decisions, wouldn’t it make sense to believe that it is possible to improve the quality of your life? Become more productive? More credible? More in-control? More responsible? More independent?… Of course!

 Paul Murphy graduated from college with highest honors and a degree in management, spent over 10 years as an assistant district attorney supervising several of Massachusetts’s busiest courthouses, then built a reputation as one of Boston’s top criminal-defense trial attorneys… but, after simultaneously developing into one of the nation’s most highly-regarded stand-up comedians under the pseudonym of Paul D’Angelo, he made a major, life-altering decision to give-up his promising legal career and move to Hollywood. While establishing himself in the entertainment industry, Paul had the opportunity to contemplate, and question, his bold decision… and, in doing so, emerged with a unique insight into the decision-making process that is so critical to everyone’s individual and collective existence… yet so easily taken-for-granted.

 Now, Paul is eager to share his hard-earned experience and bring his hilariously funny ‘everyman’s’ point-of-view to an important subject. Because he’s a nice guy?… No way! It’s because decisions are not made in a vacuum. Bad judgments, both singular and shared, affect us all. If you can’t make that traffic light, but decide to blow-through it anyway, Paul recognizes that he, or you, could be innocently entering the intersection at the same time… and then… well, you get the point.

 Paul breaks-down the decision-making process into its essential elements and "cuts through the bull" to give frank, hard-hitting commentary on personal and social issues such as distinguishing reality from illusion, exposing hypocrisy, reaffirming your values, respecting diversity, establishing priorities, putting your life into perspective and taking personal responsibility for the choices we make… and then validates his assertions by presenting hilariously vivid, reality-based illustrations that draw on common experiences which everyone can relate to… young and old, male and female, blue-collar and professional, urbanite and farm-worker, black and white alike.

It’s both an entertaining and cathartic experience as Paul states his case by ‘venting” about the familiar frustrations we all share. Presenting a richly-textured, story-telling presentation that is uniquely his, delivered in an energetic and highly-animated style which has blown-away audiences from coast-to-coast, Paul’s message is not unlike getting laughing-gas at the dentist’s office… You can experience the sting of reality as it’s being drilled into your head, but you’re so euphoric… you just don’t seem to care anymore.


See more out-takes from the video in PHOTO GALLERY

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You can e-mail Paul D'Angelo at pdangelocomic@aol.com  

Copyright © 2014  Paul D'Angelo  All rights reserved.

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