www.cdbaby.com/cd/pauldangelo6 |
COURT JESTER TRACK LIST 1. W.T.F.? 2. Flying Circus 3. Montezuma’s Revenge 4. Sh-sh-shrinkage 5. Reverse Enema 6. Unhappy Camper 7. Clumsy Animals 8. It’s a Jungle Out There 9. Raw Bar 10. Bad Timing 11. Buyer Beware 12. “Good Morning!” 13. Gas Grille 14. Dust Mites 15. “Where’s the Butter?” 16. Comedian at Law 17. AH’s 18. Duck Hunter 19. Taxidermist 20. Here’s the Pitch… 21. Huh? 22. Spoiled Rotten 23. Desert Storm Videogame 24. Aging Ungracefully 25. Same Old Problems 26. The Cocktail Wagon 27. Restless Spirits www.cdbaby.com/cd/PaulDAngelo5 |
www.cdbaby.com/cd/PaulDAngelo4 |
TRACK LIST www.cdbaby.com/cd/PaulDAngelo2 |
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SANTA WANTS A SCOTCH TRACK LIST www.cdbaby.com/cd/PaulDAngelo3 |
You can e-mail Paul D'Angelo at pdangelocomic@aol.com
Copyright © 2014 Paul D'Angelo All rights reserved.
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